Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
~ Maori Proverb

When we dissolve our misinformed judgments, expectations, old wounds and out-dated survival mechanisms, we begin to see ourselves clearly. We appreciate our innate beauty, intelligence and creativity and tap an infinite source of joy from within. We then are able to live from a place of inspiration and contribution to this world, recognizing that we are perfect, whole and complete just as we are.

It is Andrea's joy to help others reawaken to, connect and align with their true selves in one-on-one healing sessions, group healings and classes.


Andrea has been trained in a variety of healing modalities. Each private healing session will utilize one or more of them, depending on what will serve the client best at that time. In addition to the two main modalities (Integrated Energy Therapyâ (IET) and Sai Shakti healing), a session may incorporate wisdom and techniques from Spiritual Response Therapy, MAP, flower essences, EFT, chakra-clearing, guided meditation, and others.

  • Private session using IET: Integrated Energy Therapy is a beautiful hands-on healing system that works with the energy of angels to gently yet powerfully help release negative patterns, heal physical and emotional imbalances, clear karma and draw new experiences into your life.

  • Private session with Sai Shakti healing: Sai Shakti healings are sourced from the miraculous energy of the Divine through an exceptional lineage of spiritual masters. Recorded in palm leaf manuscripts in India thousands of years ago, Sri Kaleshwar has now made this powerful, soul-level healing accessible in the West for the first time in human history.


In order to serve as many people as possible, classes and group events are an important part of Andrea's work. Group healings allow for greater accessibility while training classes expands the reach of this work through anyone interested in learning to do it for themselves and others.

Groups and classes are currently offered in the Los Angeles area and New York City. Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring Andrea to provide services in your area or to request a specific class in LA/NYC. Classes, Groups and Events include:

  • Integrated Energy Therapy Training: Learn to connect to and work with the energy of angels to heal yourself and others with certification training courses for Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Levels of IET.

  • Weekly Angel Healing Teleclass Group by donation: Experience the healing power of IET through a personal connection to the Healing Angels. Offered weekly and available everywhere simultaneously, you give what you can and call in when you like. You may also call in via Skype.

  • Sai Shakti: Group healings are available by donation or for a nominal fee (depending on location). Also, initiation into certain processes (Surya Nadi and Chandra Nadi) can be requested, as well as the teaching of Sri Kaleshwar's Holy Womb Process.

  • Special Events: Periodic special events may include workshops, teleclasses or group healings on specific topics such as Forgiveness, Healing Karma, Creating Money/Abundance and Manifesting Your Soul's Purpose.


A low-cost Daily Energy Transmission subscription offers you the benefits of an automatic daily healing practice. Connecting to these energies consistently brings the greatest result, but is something that many cannot find the time or money to do. This service makes this work as simple and as accessible as possible in the most optimal way. Click here for details and to register


Andrea has been offering services at WeSpark Cancer Support Center for the past five years. She previously provided weekly angel healing groups and now dedicates one day a week to offer one-on-one healing services to cancer patients and their caregivers.

She had also founded BeHold, a not-for-profit project through Community Partners to provide support to human services workers of all types in an effort to help keep people in their hearts of service. Though participants were thrilled with the project, it is now closed due to lack of funding. BeHold's mission is still very alive in all the work Andrea provides, and she hopes to revisit this specific project sometime in the future.

Please note:
Andrea does not like cost to be prohibitive to having access to the work, so many offerings are by donation. If there are specific services you are interested in and have financial difficulties, please inquire about sliding-scale availability.

Do not hesitate to contact us to receive schedule and information about classes, workshops or events or to book a class and/or session.