Daily Energy Transmission Subscription
- $33/Month
It is my deepest desire to share the healing work I can do with as many people as possible. I have witnessed the power of these energies in action and am so grateful to have such an intimate connection to them.
It is important to me to share these gifts that can help to alleviate suffering of all types, cultivate the necessary strength in the face of challenges, remove obstacles to creating and manifesting, and otherwise help you along in your journey, regardless of your spiritual practice, beliefs and financial situation.
I've been trying to find a way to make this work as simple and as accessible as possible in the most optimal way. I've also discovered that connecting to these energies consistently brings the greatest result, but is something that many cannot find the time or money to do.
So I have created a Daily Energy Transmission subscription to
offer you the benefits of an automatic daily healing practice.
I'm excited to finally have a way to make the consistency so easy to
achieve in a way that I can still serve as many people as possible.
Here's how it works:
You choose the level of your own involvement. You can
set daily or monthly intentions* (to yourself or email me), or
simply just sign-up and see what happens. The program cost
is $33 per month--about $1 a day.
This program will implement a variety of healing energies and
resources over the course of each month, so that all tools
available to me will be used to address your needs.
I will transmit the energies to you every day. They will
be flowing to support you and your intentions each day, even
if you don't consciously think about it or know what to ask.
You have an inner intelligence that knows what it needs and will
receive it from these daily transmissions.
By signing up, you ensure you get the benefit of a daily healing
practice whether or not you actively "use" it. The energy
will be flowing to support you and your intentions each day, even
if you're too busy to tune in.
You may also register others who you'd like to receive
some support or healing. Though it may help them to be consciously
aware of the support, it is not required to notify them. It's
a beautiful way to support our loved ones on their path and provide
whatever healing they might need*. Also, contact me to discuss
a possible group rate (for whole families, organizations, etc).
- Once you have registered, your daily energy transmissions will
begin. You'll be sent a welcome email within 48 hours, and periodic
emails with tips, insights or other information each month. You
may cancel at anytime. Your cancellation will be effective at the
end of your final paid month.
Please share this with anyone who could use some support. It is the best way
I could envision to help as many people I can for as little cost
to participants as possible. I'd like to share these healing energies
as far and wide and with as many as I can. Please help me make this
possible by letting them know and encouraging them to participate.
Thank you!
(*)This may include anything from supporting your body to heal disease and other ailments to establishing energetic harmony in your relationships to creating new life circumstances that better reflect your intentions (such as a new job or home). Or anything at all.
To register to receive Daily Energy Transmissions:
- Subscribe via the paypal link below.
- Send an email to: dailyhealing@allonelove.com
with the name, city and state of the participant. If you have one,
please also send a photo of the participant where his/her eyes can
be clearly seen.
- The transmissions begin today, and a welcome
email will be sent to you within 48 hours.
- Relax and enjoy!